Strawberry Tours
Thank you everyone for your patronage these
past months during our Strawberry Season.
Our season has now ended, but we look
forward to seeing you next March for our
2015 season!
Monday thru Friday, tours and group tours are available by reservation only. No reservations are needed for our weekend tours unless the group is a large group. Weekend tours run every hour from 10:00am to 2:00pm. Please arrive 20-25 minutes before to check-in and receive instructions.
Make Strawberry Tour reservations by calling (949) 653-2100 ext.204 with the name, phone number, date, the time you wish to attend, the number of adults, children, and children ages 2 years old and under who will be attending. A confirmation will be sent to you by email.
Adults .................................$18.00
Children ..................................$18.00
Children (age 2 yrs old and under)............Free
Group rates are available call for details